It was hard but I made the decision. I had a choice to either write my first NPLEX board exam in February (while I was in school, AKA no break to study, AKA craziness..) or to wait and do it in June. That go-go, Ty
pe-A, sprint-loving part of me really wanted to do it. I love challenges and get a rush from completing them. But I also knew that I've been toeing with adrenal burnout for the last year.. When I finish exams or get a break all I can do is sleep.
So I made a d
ecision based on self kindness.. Cutting myself a break and making my life just a slice easier. Talking it out, I realized I was making decisions based on the long term (I want to be the best Doctor I can be, and for me that means spending more time with this material to ensure I know it inside and out) rather than short term (I would have had a 2 month summer if I wrote in February). I also realized, I am making decisions based on values; I value having time for my friends/family outside of school, and I feel a sense of service to the profession. This may sound kind of obvious, wouldn't we always make decisions based on our values?
Unfortunately that doesn't happen a lot of the time! Decisions are made based on fear, avoidance, emotion or short term benefits.
I challenge you to write out 5 core values, and notice when you are making decisions whether you are using them!