Why Am I So Tired?
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms we see. Especially this time of year, at the end of a long winter with shorter days and dreary skies.
Reason 1: Low Iron
Iron is part of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen in your blood. When you don't have enough hemoglobin, less oxygen gets to your cells and your heart has to work harder.
This is a very common reason for fatigue especially in women and vegetarians or vegans and can also be a sign of malabsorption.
We ALWAYS test Iron first because we want to keep it in a strict range. Especially if you are an endurance athlete, iron is an important nutrient to optimize!
Reason 2: Adrenal dysfunction aka Cortisol abnormalities
Stress results in the release of cortisol, but we we are under constant stress for a long time it can lead to abnormalities in our cortisol curve. High cortisol at the wrong times causing sleep disruptions, weight gain and anxiety. Eventually we end up with low cortisol which results in extreme fatigue and an inability to get out of bed.
We test cortisol over a 24 hour period and then work to normalize it with herbs and supplements so you can get back to feeling like yourself!
Reason 3: Hypothyroidism
Your thyroid is a small butterfly gland in the front of your throat. It is stimulated by your brain to release thyroid hormones which act on nearly every cell in the body. It regulates metabolism, temperature and growth among other things.
Signs of an under functioning thyroid gland are fatigue, cold hands & feet, hair loss, dry skin and irregular periods.
Your thyroid gland is very sensitive and there are ton of different reasons you could be showing hypothyroid symptoms. We do an extensive workup and history to find out and then target our treatment.
Reason 4: Vitamin D Deficiency
This one hits hard in Vancouver and especially during the winter. We have long dark winters, and sometimes there isn’t even much of a change from day to night.
Generally in Canada we don’t get enough Vitamin D, often even in the summer. And especially in the winter we are not seeing enough sun, nor do we have enough skin exposed to produce adequate levels.
Fatigue and especially daytime fatigue can be caused by low vitamin D levels. We can test it for you and supplement as necessary! We even do Vitamin D injections!
Reason 5: Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Low levels of vitamins B12 can cause another form of anemia, as B12 is also needed to make red blood cells which transport oxygen to our cells. It is also involved in nerve health and the symptoms of a deficiency include numbness and tingling, fatigue, weakness and memory loss.
There are many reasons you may be B12 deficient including a vegetarian diet, low stomach acid or proton pump inhibitors, celiac or any disease causing inflammation in the gut.
We use methylcobalamin in our booster shots and IVs as it is the active and naturally occurring form of B12.
Reason 6: Impaired Digestion
Hippocrates said ‘let food be thy medicine’. We agree, but only if you are eating the right food for you AND you are absorbing it properly! Many people have some sort of maldigestion whether it be food sensitivities, allergies or dysbiosis - this can be a hidden cause of fatigue, often coupled with digestive and skin problems.
They cause inflammation in your gut which decreases your ability to absorb all of your nutrients and lead to inflammation in other parts of your body.
Elimination diets or food sensitivity testing and removal can be used to normalize your digestion & decrease inflammation. Always check in with your healthcare provider first to make sure this is the right choice for you!