Calgary is beautiful in the summer. But the fall and winter can be long, cold and dark. As this season rolls around we see people getting sick more often, and lower energy levels. I also see a lot of people that have SAD - or Seasonal Affective Disorder. If this sounds like you, or if you just find moods get a little lower and motivation wanes.. here are some tips to get ahead of it:
Check your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is synthesized by the skin with exposure to the sun. Naturally, this falls during the winter months. There is a specific range we want to keep vitamin D levels in, so it is important to test before supplementing. Depending on your blood levels, we can dose you either with IM vitamin D shots or oral supplementation to keep levels up over the winter.
Get a SAD lamp. These mimic the sun and help regulate circadian rhythms which can get confused when we don’t see the sun. Adding one into your morning routine is easy - 30 minutes first thing in the morning is all some people need.
Set up an exercise routine for the fall/winter. Sign up for a class or schedule it in your calendar so you know you’ll stay committed. Exercise will help increase your energy and releases endorphins, which are feel good chemicals. This is exactly what you need on one of those dark rainy days!
Get outside! Don’t be afraid of the snow. Dress for the weather and get out in it. Not only does the exercise help you feel better (see above) but the sunshine will help regulate your circadian rhythms!
Consider Vitamin C! Always start with your diet, making sure you are eating lots of fresh and brightly coloured veggies. People always think of oranges as being high in vitamin C, but both broccoli and bell peppers have much more (plus less sugar).
Want to get ahead of it? Book an Initial Naturopathic Visit and we will create a customized plan for you ❤️