Blood sugar ‘balancing’ is one of the first things I address with most patients.
Why? Because it is behind sooo many conditions and often failed to be addressed outside of the realm of diabetes.
Blood sugar highs and lows are behind both anxiety and depression, as well as insomnia, addiction, fatigue, stress and adrenal health. Without addressing this, other therapies will fail because your body WILL feel extremely stressed when it is starved for glucose. If this is happening all the time, you can imagine the constant stress (leading to burnout) that your body is experiencing.
If someone tells me they have trouble losing weight this is absolutely one of the first reasons I will consider. Insulin is the hormone that brings glucose into cells, and it is also a hormone that tells the body to store fat. If insulin is chronically high (due to chronically high blood glucose), you can imagine this would make weight loss more difficult.
So. How to balance blood glucose? While it depends from person to person, these are some easy tips to get started:
Eat Enough Protein (especially at breakfast or whatever your first meal of the day is): Protein and fat minimally affect our blood glucose, keep us full and start us on the right foot for the day
No Coffee on an Empty Stomach: this stresses our adrenals due to the stimulant nature of coffee. It can lead to highs and lows ESPECIALLY if it is not balanced with some protein, fat and fibre. So eat your breakfast first, then you can have your coffee.
Manage Your Stress. I know, much easier said than done. But here is why: when you are stressed out, your body will breakdown stores into simple sugars and get them into your blood stream for immediate use. Cause you’re running from a tiger right? So your blood sugar goes up to compensate for the stresser -> insulin comes in and blood sugar drops. Now you are probably hungry. Again if this is happening over and over, you are also stressing this system.
Fibre-packed Carbs Please: ‘Carbs’ get a bad rap, but they are important part of a balanced diet. Veggies and fruit have carbs, grains have carbs.. I mean pretty much everything has some carbohydrates in it. The key here is to have the most fibre-packed ones as those will have the least impact on your blood sugar (and again, pair with protein and fat always).
Wonder if blood sugar is an issue for you? Book an Initial to find out!